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CSOs Rally Behind Tinubu, Urge Dedicated Health Security Funds

A formidable alliance of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) across Africa has rallied their call behind President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, urging him to set aside earmarked funds to fortify Nigeria’s health security landscape.

This collective call to action reverberated through the bustling streets of Abuja during the Africa Regional Advocacy Summit, where non-governmental organizations and media heavyweights gathered. Against the backdrop of an increasingly complex global security panorama, the coalition passionately advocated for the allocation of these funds to confront looming security threats head-on.

Dubbed the “Capacity Building, Peer Learning, and Exchange on Accountability for Domestic Resource Mobilisation for Health Security and Systems in Africa,” the three-day summit was orchestrated by the Africa Health Budget Network. From Cameroon to Zimbabwe, an assembly of delegates from across the continent, including Nigeria, convened to deliberate on this pivotal issue.

In the heart of this fervent movement, Mrs. Chika Offor, Chairperson of the Health Sector Reform Coalition, took the stage to articulate the CSOs’ collective plea. With an unwavering voice, she beseeched President Tinubu to channel resources specifically towards shoring up Nigeria’s health security infrastructure. This clarion call, she emphasized, stems from a dire recognition of the paramount importance of a resilient healthcare framework, capable of responding effectively to unforeseen health emergencies.

“As the shadow of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic looms large, exposing the vulnerabilities of our healthcare system, the clarion call for improved preparedness has never been more resonant,” Offor proclaimed. She underscored the essence of health security as a bedrock for national stability and well-being, thereby solidifying the urgency of this cause.

Pinning their hopes on a fortified health security apparatus, the CSOs elucidated a comprehensive vision. Mrs. Oyeyemi Pitan, Executive Director of the Gem Hub Initiative, eloquently championed the allocation of dedicated funds as a pivotal step to elevate Nigeria’s prowess in detecting, preventing, and responding to public health threats. She vividly painted a landscape where surveillance systems, cutting-edge laboratories, and rapid response units stand as guardians of the nation’s health.

Pitan’s compelling narrative was interwoven with the tapestry of economic benefits, skillfully emphasizing the dividends of investing in health security. With an impassioned voice, she advocated for a more proactive stance, nurturing a healthcare system that thrives on research, innovation, and public awareness campaigns.

In tandem with this formidable chorus, the media’s resonance echoed through the words of Ms. Racheal Abujah, a distinguished Public Health Correspondent. With astute conviction, she asserted that dedicating funds to health security could steer Nigeria towards a future where resilience prevails. This visionary investment, she asserted, safeguards not just lives, but the very foundations of national prosperity and stability.

As the curtain fell on this momentous summit, the echoes of Mrs. Maimuma Abdullahi, a Health Economist and AHBN Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, lingered. The summit, she ardently articulated, was a crucible of capacity enhancement, honing the art of budget analysis, advocacy, and accountability.

This rallying cry, bridging nations and disciplines, stands as a testament to the collective vision that investing in health security is a clarion call that transcends boundaries. Amidst the cacophony of challenges, the rallying spirit of CSOs stands as an emblem of resilience, a beacon that heralds a brighter, more secure future for Nigeria and beyond.

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